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» »Unlabelled » #GoodLook: MTV Launches New Social Campaign to Combat Bias (Exclusive)

MTV has always been more than a TV network.

Today, MTV is announcing a new hashtag initiative as part of its multi-year social campaign, “Look Different,” which began in April. The goal of the program is to use the power of social media to drive social change.

For the hashtag campaign, people will be asked to share real-life scenarios that either challenge or promote bias. #GoodLook will be used to share instances that challenge bias, while #NotAGoodLook will be used to share instances that promote bias. The best #GoodLook messages will appear on-air on MTV beginning in late July and the “Look Different” website at

.MTV has created an on-air promo spot where every week they will feature 1-2 new #GoodLook photos, Vines, tweets, etc. that were submitted with the hashtag via any social platform that uses hashtags. The promo spot will run throughout the day on the network and in primetime and debut at the end of July.

Example of #NotAGoodLook:PHOTO: On this GAP subway ad featuring a Sikh man…Vandals have written “Make Bombs” & “Please stop driving taxis”— Arsalan Iftikhar™ (@TheMuslimGuy) November 25, 2013Example of #GoodLook:POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA: Racists vandalize @GAP ad with Sikh model…GAP responds by changing Twitter pic to Sikh model— Arsalan Iftikhar™ (@TheMuslimGuy) November 25, 2013According to MTV, original research conducted by the company over the last year “shows that a commitment to fairness, coupled with lack of historical perspective, can result in a clouded view; as an example, half of white Millennials now believe discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against people of color. “Another component of the campaign is a challenge to young people to tell MTV their creative ideas for a digital tool that would help them and their peers have safe and constructive conversations around hidden biases. The winner will receive $10,000 and the chance to work with MTV to make their idea a reality. serves as the campaign hub and, along with the campaign’s social accounts twitter, tumbler), helps young people recognize bias in themselves and their surroundings. Previously announced components include: Implicit Bias Quiz to reveal automatic associations people may have about different races and a seven-day Racial Bias Cleanse to help people begin unlearning biases that have built up over years. Partners include the Anti-Defamation League, NAACP, National Council of La Raza, National Partnership for Women & Families, The Trevor Project and more. 

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