How to get what you want from your girlfriend this Valentine’s Day | Life Hacker India
We're not saying you must play games, but if you want that this Valentine's Day your girlfriend understands 'what you want' and gift you something that you really need—and not the iffy V-neck Tshirt she thinks you will wear if you're secure about your masculinity—then try the below-mentioned tricks.
1. First identify what you want. Exactly.
This can be difficult given there's a host of options, budgets and so many things to deal with. The key here is to prioritize and adjust your expectations to reality. She's not going to gift you a Lambhorgini Veneno Roadster just yet. Not this time. It could also be possible that you just want her to stop nagging you about throwing your wet towel on the bed. Either way, you need to decide on one thing and then focus on it. Make a vision board of it if you have to, but just be really clear about it.
1) First resort - no hints, just be honest - make your offer too and meet her half way
Our first and most healthy solution is: be direct about it. Take her to the mall casually (she's never going to say no to this one) and casually mention your wish list. Once you've mentioned it, go out of your way to show her that you're ready to meet her half way. Ask her about her wish list, tell her you'll. If this approach is too unromantic, or if what you want from her is a behavioral change, try the longer-term approach.
2) Change your mindset from getting to giving
Start by giving. Always remember you get what you give. Want her to stop nagging you? You stop nagging her. Stop doing things that make her feel like nagging you. Even if she's being unreasonable, it will stand out stark in the face of your good behavior and will make your case stronger for when you finally decide to be honest.
Here are few things you can give her unconditionally to get back what you want.
3) Things you can give her
a. Honesty: Not about annoying habits you know you can't approach without hurting her. This is your girlfriend/ fiance/ spouse, there may be a lot of questions she asks you but try your level best to be honest. Run all your communication through 3 questions - is it truthful, is it necessary and is it kind (inspired by Rumi)
b. Appreciation: Surely, you love a lot of things about her. Make it a point to highlight them. This one melts even the toughest ones. She'll be so bowled over that she'll make all possible attempts to find out and give you want you want. And at the very least, you'll get appreciation in return.
c. Make her a part of your world: Women understand and respect the fact that you need space. Sometimes (especially before Valentine's Day), how about you let her into your space? For as long as you feel you can handle it. Make her a part of your world. Let her see who you are. Vulnerability is one of the most attractive traits in a man. This will up your intimacy quotient to an extent that she'll begin to get what is it that you really want.
d. Surprise her: This one's a no brainer. If you've been a good boyfriend/ fiance/ husband, you've been listening to her. If you've been listening to her, you know what she wants. Surprise her with the things she wants. And you'll get what you want in return.
e. Care for her: If you are the caring kind but don't know how to show it - fake it. Amy Cuddy says if you fake body language you can feel it. Try to fake it till you feel it? Try to learn from others how they show care for their loved ones and do it. After the first attempt, you'll ease into you and the real you will shine through.
f. Worship her: Not kidding. She's that one special woman in your life. Let her feel it, make her own it. Worship her and watch the way she expresses her devotion back. Some of the ways in which you can worship her (without pushing things over the edge) is to pamper her as often as you can in your own way. Give her a foot rub once in a while or just say "I love you" - it'll make her day and in return she'll make your Valentine's Day.
You just can't do any of this or you've run out of time and it's 2 days before Valentine's Day. Then do this as the last resort.
4) Creative hints: From accidentally delivered "wrong window" whatsapp messages to talking about how delighted "your friend" was when his girl friend/fiance/spouse gave "xyz" to him keep dropping creative hints till she gets it. It's ok to be shameless once in a while - give yourself permission to go after what you want. It's a risk but if you really want it then go, get it!
How to get what you want from your girlfriend this Valentine’s Day | Life Hacker India

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