Bharatiya Janata Party MP Manoj Tiwari has denied reports that he along with other party leader went to AAP leader Kumar Vishvas's house and offered him to be BJP's chief ministerial candidate.
"I am no one to offer CM seat to anyone," he said.
"We were friends but when thoughts changed and parties changed we never met like friends. I have never discussed any such thing," he said.
Kumar Vishvas made a sensational claim that the BJP, some months ago, asked him to be the party's chief ministerial candidate in Delhi.
"On 19 May, a BJP MP came to my house. He is an old friend. I thought he came to give me a courtesy call, but he offered me to join the BJP. He said he would make me the party's candidate for the chief minister's post," Vishvas told Aaj Tak.
"When I said I was not an MLA, he said I would be elected in the bypoll," Vishvas said.
Vishvas said he immediately told party convener Arvind Kejriwal about the offer.
However, Vishvas said it was a friendly meeting and he never took the offer seriously. He refused to name to the mp.
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