yes According to reports, WhatsApp had 50 million monthly active users in India at the end of month May and has added over 3 million active users per month since then.
WhatsApp has in the month of May fixed the target of increasing its active user’s base from the current 500 million to one billion in a year.
The company had earlier announced that it would launch its voice calling service in the second quarter of the year. However, there is no word on that from the company so far.
Earlier, the company has acquired the social networking site Facebook for USD 19 billion.
But there is something to worry for the company as Telecom Regulatory Authority of India is also planning to issue a consultation paper to discuss regulatory framework around Over-the-top (OTT) players like WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, WeChat etc.
Telecom operators have been pushing for a regulatory framework around OTT players as they see applications like Skype, WhatsApp, Viber etc as competitors who are cutting telecos revenues in voice call and messaging segment.
WhatsApp has in the month of May fixed the target of increasing its active user’s base from the current 500 million to one billion in a year.
The company had earlier announced that it would launch its voice calling service in the second quarter of the year. However, there is no word on that from the company so far.
Earlier, the company has acquired the social networking site Facebook for USD 19 billion.
But there is something to worry for the company as Telecom Regulatory Authority of India is also planning to issue a consultation paper to discuss regulatory framework around Over-the-top (OTT) players like WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, WeChat etc.
Telecom operators have been pushing for a regulatory framework around OTT players as they see applications like Skype, WhatsApp, Viber etc as competitors who are cutting telecos revenues in voice call and messaging segment.
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