Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray, holding a press conference after BJP set to appear as the single largest party in Maharashtra, gave his first reaction after results and said that he has not been approached by any party for post-poll alliance while making it clear that the Shiv Sena will consider any proposal to ensure stable government in Maharashtra.
On the question of NCP offering outside support to the BJP to form government in the state, Uddhav said that if they are fine with it they can go ahead and take the support.
Uddhav said that if BJP wants support in Maharashtra it can approach Shiv Sena. While on the question of him taking the proposal to the BJP for post poll alliance, he said, "If I take the proposal and they say no then? Therefore, it's better to wait."
"If the BJP doesn't come with a proposal, then what can I do about it?" he said jokingly.arrived at the at the BJP headquarters in Delhi for parliamentary board meeting. He was greeted by BJP chief and his close aide Amit Shah - the man credited for BJP's exceptional show both in Maharashtra, where it is set to emerge as the single largest party, and Haryana, where the party has won simple majority.
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